I need help... moms and dads...
Emily is 1 yr old. She has been sleeping through out the night for a long time now. Recently, past 3 weeks, she is waking up EVERY night.
I need help... Yes, she is teething, I have tried Orajel, Tylenol, Motrin... and she is still waking up.
Does anyone know how to help me get her to sleep and keep my sanity???
We went through a similar thing with Ella. Jason decided to become her 'sleep coach'. He would go in to her room when she woke and sit by her crib...he would be there but not necessarily pick her up. We had done some reading and decided that she didn't know how to put herself back to sleep....and that she needed to learn. And she did...she developed ways of self soothing...didn't mean she didn't cry but she worked it out and its sooooo much better! Waking at night is fairly natural...but they need to learn how to get back to sleep on their own. ALl the best...I know its sooo hard when you are not getting your sleep. -- Nicole